America’s Most Modern Rail Gateway
Directly connecting your cargo to markets that matter
The Nation’s Rail Gateway of Choice
Virginia already leads all East Coast ports in our share of cargo transited by rail, and the on-time, on-budget completion of our rail yard expansion will strengthen our ability to service greater rail volumes. The $1.4B Gateway Investment Program is reinforcing and advancing infrastructure to add competitive capacity, seamlessly handle larger volumes and power industry-leading service metrics.

Reach Farther, Faster
Virginia has the most expansive rail reach on the U.S. East Coast with regular, on-dock, double stack service from two Class I rail partners, Norfolk Southern and CSX. 7 miles of on-dock track connects your freight cargo to America.
Our central East Coast location positions you to deliver to 75% of the U.S. population in two days or less, accessing key inland markets and major distribution centers throughout the Midwest and Eastern seaboard.
Reach Farther, Faster
Virginia has the most expansive rail reach on the U.S. East Coast with regular, on-dock, double stack service from two Class I rail partners, Norfolk Southern and CSX. 7 miles of on-dock track connects your freight cargo to America.

Our central East Coast location positions you to deliver to 75% of the U.S. population in two days or less, accessing key inland markets and major distribution centers throughout the Midwest and Eastern seaboard.

“This additional rail capacity has been delivered on-time, in advance of the deeper channel and phase one of the North Berth expansion. As ships get bigger and require greater capabilities for efficiency, our strategic investments keep us on the front foot, on the edge of innovation, where you need us to be.”
Industry-Leading Service
In 2023, containers at our terminals went from ship to railcar in just 36 hours. Our highly skilled workforce, integration of semi-autonomous technology and digital systems power efficient, reliable service.
Innovating Your Supply Chain’s Every Stop
Strategic investments in infrastructure, capacity and technology are enhancing operations at America’s Most Modern Gateway. With comprehensive advancements across marine and inland terminals to increase agility, sustainability and efficiency, your supply chain needs will not outgrow our capabilities.